Let’s Rebuild with Sybil Kolbert

Today we are chatting with Sybil Kolbert about what it looks like to rebuild after trauma.

Guest: Sybil Kolbert

Website:  https://sybilkolbert.com/

Instagram:  https://www.instagram.com/sybilkolbert/

Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/Sybil-Kolbert-Coaching-More-105706171422432

Quiz: https://ivlv.me/vTKcT

Website: www.breannalashell.com

Host IG: @coach_breannalashell

Elizabeth Gadbaugh

Pioneering an adventure leadership intensive in the heart of Oregon. Married to the wild man - who showed up at my doorstep. Daring greatly as we return to seminary together. We desire to love the broken-hearted, to see identity restored, and build kingdom leaders.


I’m your nonprofit coach!


Let’s Pivot