Nonprofit Coaching

Courses and Workshops


Created for nonprofit founders, restoration dreamers, and legacy vision-casters

to build the foundation they need to launch a nonprofit that makes long-term community impact.




More information…



2 /Legacy Leaver: The Nonprofit Kickstart Course

Who it’s for:

The first phase of nonprofit development is preparing to launch. We’ll walk through vision development, setting up your systems and strategies, bringing in the right people, leadership styles, legal and financial details, and so much more. By the end of this course, you’ll have a solid plan to launch your nonprofit well.

  • What’s included:

    • ….coming soon!

  • Price/learn more:

    • …TBD more info to come!


Looking for custom coaching with Breanna?

— Ready to level up from a self-paced course to 1:1 coaching and custom solutions? 

Wherever you are in your nonprofit journey—if you’re just starting, shifting from launch to maintenance, or preparing to exit—there’s a 1:1 coaching program for you.


About Your Coach

Hey, I’m

Breanna LaShell

I birthed my nonprofit out of grief and rage—not from a “saintly” heartspace.

I launched my nonprofit knowing it would be a long road to justice—not a “quick fix”.

I founded my nonprofit as a 16 year old woman of color—not even close to the corporate image I saw everywhere.

With my 8 years of nonprofit founder experience, my education in entrepreneurship, and my coaching license, I’m ready to guide you to leaving a legacy of real restoration in a nonprofit.


 Get Inspired

“When You Give a Girl a Nonprofit"
“Start Your Passion Project!” 
“Did You Do a Heart Check?”